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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -澳式英语

年龄:43     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:已婚
国籍:澳大利亚     目前所在地:国内


Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine    Sept. 2008 - Current

English Language Teacher

Teaching English to English major students (Freshmen to Seniors). Courses delivered include: Academic Writing, Medical Writing, Extensive Reading, Listening and Speaking, Oral English and Pronunciation.

Teaching Scientific Writing to Pharmacology Postgraduates.

Teaching Medical English listening and speaking to International Nursing undergraduates.

RMIT International School, Wuhan Univ. of Science & Technology        Mar. 2007 – Jul. 2008

English Language Instructor

Teaching General English, English for Academic Purposes and IELTS test preparation courses within the RMIT International REW program.

Clearly shown an understanding of adult teaching, learning and assessment theory and practice.

Demonstrated an ability to work within a commercial setting in a flexible and professional way in order to meet the institutions requirements.

Maintained a positive and lively language learning environment in challenging physical conditions, sometimes with minimal resources.

Wuhan University of Science & Engineering  Feb. 2006 – Jan. 2007

English Language Teacher

Teaching English grammar to non-English speakers through the Holmesglen program. All aspects of English grammar were involved including writing, reading, listening and speaking in a particular course for low ability students.

Teaching oral English to English major students, both freshman and sophomore with an emphasis on speaking and listening skills.

Teaching Western Culture to the above groups with stress on interaction and participation within the classroom setting.

Suizhou Shiyan Middle School, Hubei          Mar. 2005 – Jan. 2006

English Language Teacher

Teaching listening and speaking skills in a foreign language to large groups of young people.

Creating lesson plans relevant to the level of the students with particular emphasis on the students’ abilities, interests and the subject matter.

Tailoring the construction of lesson plans to individual classes so to increase the participation and enjoyment of the students.