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姓名:Paul Lake
年龄:45     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:已婚
国籍:美国     目前所在地:国外

 Work                 Hunan University of Science and Technology

  Experience            Xiangtan, Hunan Province  

                     P.R. of China 411210

                     1/09 thru 8/09

                     Job Details: taught ESL classes, constructed and ran “English Corner,” and

                                    taught an English culture class (culture of English speaking countries)


                     Staunton CUSD #6

                     801 N Deneen St

                     Staunton IL 62088

                     8/93 thru 8/08

                     Job Details: taught grades eight thru eleven, including the following domains:

                                   composition, grammar, usage, punctuation, literature, reading acquisition,

                                    American literature, backup supervisor for all state testing, as well as

                                    specializing in test preparation.  Supervisor of junior high track and yearbook.


                     Guang Ji Xue Yuan

                     7 Wei Xing Lu

                     Changchun, Jilin Province

                     P.R of China

                     8/95 thru 8/96

                     Job Details: I was given a year's leave of absence to teach in China.  I taught

                                    ESL, composition, and research writing to university students


                     Chanda University

                     1Wei Xing Lu

                     Changchun, Jilin Province

                     P.R. of China


                     Job Details: taught English literature to university students


 Education                 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

                                    B. A. in English (4.0, Magna cum Laude)

                                    May, 1991


                                    Central Bible College

                                    B. S. in Bible (3.60, Cum Laude)

                                    May 1987




 Organizations        Pi Kappa Phi

                                 Oldest and largest collegiate society dedicated to the recognition and promotion of

                                 academic excellence in all disciplines. 

                                 Founded in 1897.


                                 St. Louis Bicycle Club

                                 Oldest Bicycle Club in the United States.

                                 Founded in 1889.


 Honors &               Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Awards                   -Selected by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction to receive Highest

                                  Honors in Secondary Education - Humanities April 1991

                                -Recipient of a College of Education Tuition Award in recognition of academic

                            excellence April 1991

                                -Recipient of the Thelma Louis Kellogg Scholarship for Academic Excellence

                                 April 1990


 Personal               Born 1965, single, avid reader, active bicyclist, study Chinese language