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姓名:Seán John.
年龄:55     性别:男

学历:大学      婚姻状况:已婚
国籍:爱尔兰     目前所在地:国外

   I am new to English Language Teaching: I have just qualified from the Dublin School of English with a CELT cert., but I come with a lot of experience in business and in staff training in particular.

   In my time with Esso I trained a lot of Asian staff, overcoming all the language and cultural barriers you can imagine. I got on great with the Chinese trainees in particular; I found them to be such good workers, always willing to learn, and good fun too.

   I speak perfectly fluent English, being Irish and from Dublin. I am told I have a neutral accent, with no marked regional fluctuations, either vocal or lexical. So you will have no problems there.

   Why do I want to be a teacher? Because I have been told by people I have trained that I was the best trainer they have ever come across. So when I was looking to change career, from 10 years in retail management, teaching seemed the obvious and logical choice, not only because what my ex-trainees had said, but also because I get a great buzz from the teaching and training process.