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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -英式英语

姓名:Hannah Hedley
年龄:23     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:英国     目前所在地:国内

-1 year teaching experience at multiple schools ranging from kindergarten to adult classes

-Certified through TESOL certificate

-Excellent time management skills as practiced at Algonquin College meeting strict deadlines for various projects

Strong interpersonal skills as demonstrated through the completion of the Business Commincation course at Algonquin College

-Excellent communication skills with 3 years of customer service


2007-2011                 Print Media Diploma                                  Ottawa,ON

 Algonquin College


2009                TESOL Certificate                 Ottawa, ON

-Practical experience planning and delivering ESL lessons

-Intensive training in communicative language teaching, including reading, writing, listening and speaking

-Team buliding experience through group projects and presentations


Work Experience

2009                     English Teacher             Changchun, China

                        Eagle Lanugage Centre

-Taught English as a second language from the kindergarten level to adults

                                          -Prepared lessons while following the current curriculum

                                          -Tutored small classes and individuals

                                          -Taught at multiple public and private schools across the city


2007-2008                           Private Tutor

–Taught private classes for international students aged 14-18


Interests                              dance, music, guitar, art

Travel Experience                 North America, Europe