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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -英式英语

年龄:24     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:英国     目前所在地:国外

I am in Shanghai to learn about Chinese culture and teach English. In 2008 I gradated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology. I have recently completed the Certificate in Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA).

 Marks in Psychology Papers

Psyc 111       A+         Psyc 201       A-          Psyc 313       A-

Psyc 112       A+         Psyc 202       A           Psyc 317       A-

                                                        Psyc 318       A

                                                        Psyc 324       A-

 Work Experience 

·        07/08: Philosophy tutor for residential a college at the University of Otago.        (Robyn Madden – 021 279 5537) 

·        2009:  Private English tutor for a Year 13 student at Kings College. 

·        2009: Teacher aid at Sommerville Special School.

·        2009: Teacher aid at Pakuranga College. 

·        09/10: Youth worker at Lifekidz after school care and holiday                      program.     

·        2010: Teacher aid at Oaklyn Special school.


I enjoy reading, listing to music, playing cricket and basketball.