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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -英式英语

年龄:23     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:瑞典     目前所在地:国外

Seeking job as TEFL Teacher

Achieved BSc (Hons) Psychology 2:1

Highly motivated and enthusiastic about English teaching.


 Written communication

·         Writing was an essential part of my degree with most assessments being in written form. Common types of texts were essays (critical, descriptive and reflective) and research reports. Writing style was a part of the assessment and was also taught in the first year.

·         During upper secondary school I took three units in English and received the highest mark in all of them. I also received the highest mark in the two Swedish units I took.

Verbal communication

·         My degree included assessments based on verbal communication skills, namely presentations and a unit called Psychological debates. This unit was a group work and the assessment was a debate. I was the captain of my debate group.

·         I was also given the honour of holding the student graduate speech when I finished upper secondary school.

Team work

·         My degree included a number of group work projects. In all group work assessments, the same mark was given for all member of the group, which made team work important. In the unit Psychological debates, I was elected team captain of my debate group.

·         During my time doing national service, team work was also very important. The organisation is in groups of eight that eat, sleep and are constantly around each other.  All the tasks that are given are given to the group, not the individual and high expectations on performance, often difficult circumstances and individual specialities makes good team work essential.


·         Research was a very important part of my degree, both in terms of finding information and doing empirical research. When finding information, most research was done in textbooks and journal articles. However, some were also found on websites and magazines, for example, when looking for information about organisations or statistics.

·         In terms of empirical research, my degree included three smaller research projects per term during the first two years and one major during the third year which was also my dissertation. These projects involved different research methodologies and different statistical methods that may be useful when assessing a group of individuals’ development in a given area.