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年龄:25     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:加拿大     目前所在地:国外


To secure full-time employment


Internship II

2010          Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region


Sandgate provides a full range of supports and services to women who have experienced violence and their children.


Programs include: emergency crisis shelter, 24-hour crisis telephone support, outreach and public education, second stage housing and Let’s Talk.

Internship I
2009      Zareinu Educational Centre of Metropolitan Toronto, ON 

Zareinu is a Jewish day school and treatment center that provides special education and individualized therapies to children with a wide range of physical and developmental challenges

Programs provide opportunities for improving life skills, communication strategies, and respect for each child’s individual strength

Parental involvement is integral to planning

A coordinated, cooperative effort to develop and provide therapies and learning strategies helps improve the quality of life for each child and family



2010   School of Hope, Papine, Jamaica

Research, plan, evaluate, develop proposals and strategies to establish new

Addressing the needs of the students through community practice, group activities,

report building, interaction with students & staff and interactive modules


2009   SMILE (Student Mentoring in Life and Education)

Assist new students with a great opportunity to connect with a senior student mentor in their program area who can support them in their transition into the College. SMILE is about helping students gain the knowledge, self confidence and skills they need to make a success of their college career.



2008   Community Living-non-profit Agency, Fort Erie, ON

Assisted with the provision of residential, vocational and recreational services to adults with developmental disabilities.

2007     YMCA Daycare, Fort Erie, ON

Provided daycare services to young children between the ages of three months and five years, interacting with the children in age appropriate activities

2006      Feed the Hungry, Fort Erie, ON

Worked with the non-profit agency, assisting with the provision of meals and outreach services to the poor and homeless




2008-2010   Seneca College of Applied Arts &Technology  King City, ON                     


Social Service Worker Program

This program emphasizes skill and knowledge development in the following key areas: interviewing; counselling and relationship building capabilities; effective membership and leadership in group settings; working with families; the creation and maintenance of helping relationships; and practice in such specialized areas as case management, community development and social policy


·          Passionate about working with society’s marginalized, oppressed, vulnerable and disadvantaged people

·          Presents a professional image in appearance, words and actions

·          Excellent verbal, written English and interpersonal communication skills

·          Able to work well collegially in a fast-paced, energetic environment

·          Comprehensive set of human service skills that are transferable to a wide range

of settings