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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -其他语种

年龄:22     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:俄罗斯     目前所在地:国外

Job Objective: English Teacher


Profile: An energetic and skilled communicator, with a record of leadership and initiative.


Communication Skills


B.A., Honors in English, Valley High School, America, A+.

Debated regularly as a member of debating society.

Gave oral presentations to public as a member of animal court law and pat adoption center.

Described background of historic site to group of visitors.




Elected Vice-President of English Club at Hamcorlic center. Planned and chaired monthly seminars.




Wrote business letters and reports on assistance to small business in Germany and America in designing their business plans.




Fluent reading, writing and speaking English, Fluent reading, writing and speaking Russian, Good reading, writing and speaking Turkish



Good knowledge of Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Internet




2004- Finished Valley High School, N.M., Albuquerque, America

2005 -2009 – Student of World Languages University(Bachelor Degree)

2006-Completed three months of Educational Center”Magnet Tur”, tour operator

2007- Completed three months of Educational Center”Eclat Business” manager


Work Experience


2004-2005- manager assistant in Animal Court Law and Pet Adoption Center

2006- 2007-teaching English at the courses

2007-2008(March) - office manager and account assistant in Symirna Tekstil, Bayteks

2008, April- manager in logistics(Shafoff Service)

2009-till present- flight attendant in Asiana Airlines, South Korea

Personal information

Birth Date: May 18, 1988   Moscow, Russia