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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -美式英语

年龄:26     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:美国     目前所在地:国内
My name is Lacie Marie. I'm a 26 years old and currently staying in
Ningbo, China (since September 1st, 2010). I'm interested in becoming an
English teacher
starting January 2011. I'm from the United States and english is my first
language. I
went to The University of Oklahoma for 3 years and studied journalism &
communications, sociology, and film. I am currently in China on an
contract, but that ends on Nov. 27, 2010. My visa is good for 6 months,
though, and I
intend on returning to China for a longer period of time (atleast a year).
It is a
lovely place. I do have experience teaching. I have taught children's
dance classes in
Oklahoma, as well as California for many years. I have also taught adult
yoga classes.  I was looking on-line for possible teaching positions in
Ningbo, China and your information popped up, so I wanted to reach out to
you to see what might happen. Hope to hear from you soon.