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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -英式英语

年龄:27     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:英国     目前所在地:国外
Educational Background

1999-2001    Cornwall College

              2 year Advanced Business

              BTEC Diploma           

1994-1999    Helston School     (Helston, Cornwall, England)

              High School         

              Major:    English, French, Mathematics, Science, Media

1988-1994   Fourlanes Primary Elementary School

Academic Qualifications

1999-2001           BTEC Intermediate GNVQ Diploma

1999                    Certificate of Unit Credit:

Business organisations and employment    INT

People in business organisations        INT

Consumers and customers                INT

Financial and administrative support         INT

Application of number                INT

Communication                          INT

Information technology               INT

Consumer protection                        INT

Recording financial information          INT  

London Examinations Certificates 

English    French                         Media                  Mathematics

Science        Science Double Award      Technology           Religious Education

Teaching Experience

January-May 2010             Private teacher of 2 children aged 6 & 8

Duties                          1) Helped them understand the use of English grammar                                     2) Provided a fun and exciting atmosphere to encourage learning                                   3) Help their pronunciation of English words

June-December 2009         Private teacher of Cantonese lady aged 33

Duties                          1) Improved her English speaking by intense conversations                               2) Showed her some very difficult texts and ask her to recite

September 2006-Ongoing  Online teacher of English language

Duties                          1) Use microphone to talk to students, and workers                                                2) Set them homework to complete on time                                                   3) Correct any mistakes that they make   

Working Experience

June 2001-September 2006   National Animal Welfare Trust

Postion:              Manager

Duties                          1) Managed a team of volunteer workers, giving clear instructions.

                            2) Ensured continual profits through happy customers

                            3) Maintained a tidy and safe working environment