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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -英式英语

年龄:27     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:未婚
国籍:     目前所在地:国内


Career History


English language Instructor, Huai’an Institute of Technology     2009/09/01 – till      present


  • Teaching Oral English to English Majors
  • Teaching English Writing to English Majors
  • Teaching IELTS Writing course
  • Teaching IELTS comprehensive course
  • Teaching Oral English and English Writing to Non English Majors
  • Preparing lesson plans and activities, based on the objectives of the syllabus and/or course
  • Preparing tests and examinations
  • Testing and examining students
  • Maintaining class registers and work records on a daily basis
  • Taking part in English corners and other activities


English language teacher, Huai’an middle school      2011/09/01 – till present


  • Teaching Oral English to young learners
  • Writing lesson plans
  • Creating activities, based on the needs of the students
  • Organising games and creative afternoons



TEFL Teacher, Royal Holloway, ISIS summer school, United Kingdom      2009/06/30 – 2009/08/15; 2010/06/30 – 2010/08/13



  • To prepare lessons and/or activities in an effective manner
  • To create lessons and/or activities consisting of a coherent sequence of purposeful actions, based on the objectives of the syllabus and/or course
  • To effectively manage students such that the students know what they have to do and maintain reasonable standards of behaviour
  • To create a positive learning atmosphere in the class in which all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that students participate purposefully in the lessons
  • To employ teaching techniques appropriate to the level and needs of the students
  • To maintain class registers and work records on a daily basis
  • To complete end of course student certificates and/or reports
  • To be punctual at all times and to pay constant attention to the students in the classroom or on activities/excursions
  • To agree to be observed the Director of Studies and, from time to time, by Group Leaders as well as representatives of the British Council or by Programme Managers from Head Office
  • Assist with student testing and placement
  • To pay particular attention to the administrative systems operational in the

             school/college/university that houses the centre


Non teaching

  • Taking responsibility or joint responsibility for a weekend excursion
  • Taking responsibility or joint responsibility for evening activity sessions
  • Assist with student arrival and departure procedures, as necessary



Support worker, The National Society for Epilepsy    2005/01/08 – 2009/06/30

Chesham lane, Chalfont St.Peter, Bucks SL9 0 RJ, United Kingdom

·        providing help and advice to clients;

·        communicating courteously with clients and their families by telephone, email and face to face;

·        investigating and solving  clients' problems (these may be more complex or long-standing problems that have been passed over )

·        handling clients’ complaints or any crises, accidents etc.

·        writing assessments and reports (often with other staff)  which meet specified standards and timescales. 

·        keeping accurate records of correspondence with clients’, their families, doctors, social workers etc;

·        producing written information for clients, often involving use of computer packages/software;

·        writing reports analyzing clients’ needs;

·        visiting clients to provide a one-to-one service;

·        being involved in staff training;

·        occasionally leading and supervising a team of staff;

·        keeping ahead of developments in social care by attending relevant courses, reading related magazines etc.  

·        organizing and managing packages of support to enable clients to lead the fullest lives possible;

·        participating in multidisciplinary teams and meetings.


Career objectives

·        To work as a EFL teacher in China

·         MA in TEFL



  • The Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages, St George International Language School, London, UK   05/01/2008 - 20/04/2008
  • Bachelor's degree  in Social Education and Psychology, Siauliai University,  2001-2005
  • 2 years of English  in Siauliai University 01/09/2006 – 01/07/2008


Additional Information                                                       


  • Competent with most Microsoft office programmes (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), data base searching, internet explorer etc.
  • Driving licence: full, clean
  • Lived, studied and worked in UK and China
  • Languages:  English –  fluent (reading, writing, speaking, listening)

                                Lithuanian - fluent (reading, writing, speaking, listening)

                                Russian - fluent (reading, writing, speaking, listening)