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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -美式英语

年龄:26     性别:男

学历:学士      婚姻状况:夫妻
国籍:美国     目前所在地:国外


To continue my EFL experience and gain further understanding of theThai culture.  


Education and Training:


Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona                TEFL Certification

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering                 i to i         

Graduated: May 2008                                         Completed February 2011                     



Employment History:


-          High School Math Tutor  (Employer: Valdez City Schools)      September 2001 – May 2003

Assisted underclassmen with algebra level homework 3 times a week.   Instruction was 1-on-1 and was performed after school.


-          Field Engineer  (Employer: Taku Engineering, LLC)          May 2008 – January 2011

Provided technical training to facility operators.  Part of field engineering duties includeddesigning and administering training to the facility operators on the newlyinstalledequipment in their area.  Training included overall equipment function, day to day operational needs, and a periodic maintenance schedule.   Training information was typically organized into a powerpoint format and presented to groups of 4 to 10 adults.



Basic Spanish, Thai, Cambodian and Vietnamese


Additional Skills:

Full, clean driving license (USA), computer literate, first aid certification


Hobbies and Interests:

Rock Climbing, Trekking, Camping, Music, Puzzles, Games and Reading.