Hillcrest Grammar School (Infant school) 1993-1996
Lady Barn House School (Junior School) 1996-1999
Cheadle Hulme School (Senior School) 1999-2005
Aquinas College (Lower sixth-form) 2005-2006
Abbey College Manchester (Upper sixth-form) 2006-2007
University of Manchester 2007-2010 (May)
University of Sydney (study abroad) 2009 (jan-june)
Additional information:
One of my favourite hobbies is to travel, experiencing different cultures and meeting new friendly faces. I have been fortunate enough to visit a variety of places with my family, along with some more recent experiences by myself. This I believe has strengthened my character, building my confidence and picking up valuable experiences. In July 2008 I went to Shanghai where I did a language programme learning Mandarin for one month. I found my experience alone in China the most rewarding. The amazing culture shock of China in comparison to England gave me a new perspective of the world. Being alone in such a fascinating unique country really forced me to develop the confidence I believe I will be able to carry with me in to other areas of my future life. I have been able to develop my independence further through studying abroad. I spent one semester studying Social Anthropology at the University of Sydney, on the ‘study abroad’ program. I learnt methods of coping while being away from my family, along with the importance of peer support. Through my vast experience of different cultures obtained through research and travel, I feel I am able to identify with all kinds of people and get on well with anyone I meet. My time in Shanghai and Australia have been so special to me, assuring me that I am now responsible and strong enough to cope with new situations and to go after any goal I seek to achieve. Now, two years after my visit to Shanghai, my goals are still the same. These goals are to move to China, teach English as a foreign language, and immerse myself in the Chinese culture and language. I feel that from the skills I have developed over the past few years through travel and university, I am now at a level of maturity to realise and achieve these dreams |