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 当前位置:首页 - 外籍人才库 -澳式英语

年龄:41     性别:男

学历:高中      婚姻状况:已婚
国籍:澳大利亚     目前所在地:国内

                       This has your employment,  already, my hard work has the magical benefit of writing a resume for your perusal. I hope to the best, future English of the young an upper coming Chinese students their working hard, dedication, an my will power,” one hopes “,  the benefit of a successful teacher, amongst teaching staff.

          At the moment my contract  for, an after, has come about as my training of medicines continues… Traditional Chinese Medicines in the city of Shangqiu….. after coming of age, from the Aborigines fields, of Australia many of which was to instruct me on my natural living. The tails of Myth as told to us by a very ancient race….Wagina , after the existence of the race of monkey an myself, the so called “Sky/Heavenly Studies” …..

         I think also for the use of the same by the students which is basically to have a knowing of natures gifts …. Culminated in the Grand Final victory for the “HAWKS” Australian Rules Football Club in the Senior and Reserve grade.   

A job………we won the cup in my first year in the second  place was our development team n the finals…

        The goal for the young team, as will be for their childrens futures, as well good luck, trying hard to win..and be healthy.. many players, under their strict health instruction, carefully chosen was my position for team as Shaman or Medicine man, an we “Won!’…. Premiership hoping again this season,

This why I am actually here in China, to extend our knowledge from and/or to an ancient Chinese race with a medicine perspective…I suppose share…







Last  ten years… studied natural health…conservation… of land and animals…most important after coming to China…appreciate… like travelling been to most of all the states, territory’s, accepting the ancestral role the white person raised into play in the Australian landscape.

Aborigine:  in front of the class learnt firsthand of their experience. Native Australian, animals show to me the intricate workings of our relationship, with the Heavens and of course Earth.

 Natural Earth Studies :  Having “Mum and Dad” who are born Aboriginal Australian, heard of Traditional Medicine an thought I should learn  ”study “.



-------------------------------------------STRUCTURED   SCHOOLING-----------------------------------------------------------


1999-2013:                                 Stars/ Earth Studies….Australian Aborigine


2011                                            Stars/ Earth studies South East Asia, China 6 months


1998-2010:                                 Certificate of Proficiency    Apprenticeship

                                                     Qualified  Banker  Mason (BUILDER)

                                                     Holmsglen TAFE  College-Melbourne



1991-1993:                                 Industrial Design-B.A.

                                                     Victoria College University-Melbourne

                                                     Swinburne University of Technology              

                                                     After 2-3 years  left for gaining invaluable worldly experience.



1985-1990:                                Year 7 – Year 12  (high-school)            

                                                     Victorian Certifacate of Education.

                                                     Saint Leos Christian Brothers College

                                                     Box Hill,  Melbourne 








 -------------------------------------EMPLOYMENT    HISTORY -----------------------------------------------------------------                                       

Date:                                            6-2014/ 2-2015  

 Employer:                                   Czz International.

                                                      Current day…

Position:                                       Chauyang School     (Teacher)

                                                      Handan, Hebei

Position:                                      Shangqiu Normal University    (Teacher)

                                                      Shangqiu, Henan

                                                      IELTS program

Taught  IELTS English,  your course of assistance in learning English, also their grading for their Australian program also to experience  in teaching… loved this..




Employer:                                   SAI Sandstone Australia

Position:                                     Stone Work- Restoration ……                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                                                     Masons  work for Australia’s buildings.

Qualified Mason,  Banker Studies, has seen me on the stone masons yard “The Penshurst Block”  looked like it would never be started again, new opportunities have recently been flooded in with thought but the imbalanced nature of things means that the system of analyses is due  to the principles and laws of attraction, work has me looking overseas for future.




Jan 2010-Jun2010

Employer:                                    DUNKELD  SANDSTONE    PTY.  LTD.

Position:                                      STONE SPLITTER, use of diamond bench saws.

                                                      Extracting dimension stone, moving up to 10 Ton blocks



 2004- 2005

Employer:                                     He Bei International – China

Position:                                        English Teacher

Duties:                                           Taught English  No. 2 “Middle School”

                                                        Change De, China.


Note:  The experience of being able to communicate and realize cultural difference was invaluable, which I can implement in other types of work.  Perfect! I am looking for another job as I enjoyed the stand an teach oral….hope enjoy again!








Year:                                                2002-2004

Employer:                                       Various employers

Position:                                         Travelled around Australia doing various types of work                      

 Duties:                                            Floor sanding,

                                                          Plastering/Cornicing work.

                                                          Stone mason blocking.


                                                          Fruit Picking……….



Employer:                                         Chris Kavanagh House Relocating

Position:                                            Supervisor

Duties:                                               House stump replacement.

                                                             House relocation.




Employer:                                        SELF EMPLOYED

Position:                                           sub-contractor

Duties:                                              Engineered timber floor contractor


                 Note:  I applied myself and developed skills, it was a great experience to gain an understanding

of how a future small business operates.




Year:                                                  1993-1995

Employer:                                         Natural Floors pty ltd – Hawthorn

Position:                                            Labourer

Duties:                                               Floor laying, sanding back floors, polishing.






Note:     Having to  learn traditional techniques an making great friends, finding language skills, also that I find amazingly stunning…beauty in the Australian bush an people. Learning to make

‘The bush come to life’

…hoping to have the spot for the Chinese future as well.