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姓名:Kat E. Billington
年龄:22     性别:女

学历:学士      婚姻状况:夫妻
国籍:美国     目前所在地:国内


To join a socially responsible educational organization in an environment of teamwork and professionalism that I may continue my passion for teaching, advance my business and interpersonal skills, and further my conquest for cultural knowledge


James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA (US)

Bachelor of Business Administration:  Computer Information Systems (May 2009)

Cumulative GPA:  3.6/4.0; Major GPA:  3.8/4.0


        Kasintorn Academy, Primary 1 Homeroom Teacher

        (October 2009-Present)

 Create and execute lesson plans for native Thai speaking Primary 1 (P1) students in math, science, English, reading, writing, computer, and health

 Conduct assessment of student performance in each subject area through subject testing, assessment testing, and observation

 Coordinate with native Thai teachers on curriculum vitae to ensure consistency

 Perform tutoring services after school in difficult subject areas to enhance student success

 Conduct daily reading sessions in order to familiarize students with reading in English, increase motivation to read, and promote confidence in speaking English

 Engage in parent-teacher interaction so as to further the students’ success through parent-teacher conferences, written interaction, and school activities.